About Jordan

Jordan is from Los Angeles, California, he enjoys game shows, talking internet, and munch!

60 - Deez Nutz

60 - Deez Nutz

In today’s loaded episode, a great chat about INTERNET, mostly the rise and fall of most internet people, as well as the weird dislike of Mr Beast, mixed with a trip down memory lane of my own internet career, angry reviewers, and the modern day equivalents and why, the circle is just continuing, it’s just getting more and more dumb.

Jordan Hass: Pushing Boundaries in the World of Writing
Jordan Hass is a dynamic and talented writer whose captivating words have the power to transport readers to new realms and evoke raw emotions. With a unique blend of creativity and precision, Jordan fearlessly explores a myriad of genres, from thought-provoking fiction to insightful non-fiction. Known for pushing boundaries and challenging conventional storytelling, Jordan's narratives are peppered with unexpected twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning the pages. Jordan's ability to seamlessly blend rich imagery, engaging characters, and compelling plots is matched only by their dedication to honing their craft. Effortlessly capturing the human experience, Jordan unveils profound truths and engages readers with thought-provoking themes in each and every written word. Through their exquisitely crafted prose, Jordan Hass continues to redefine the limits of what great writing can achieve.

61 - Seacrest In

61 - Seacrest In

59 - It's The Connecting Wall Brother

59 - It's The Connecting Wall Brother