About Jordan

Jordan is from Los Angeles, California, he enjoys game shows, talking internet, and munch!

Kid Nation w/ Brianne

Kid Nation w/ Brianne


This is the episode where the game show is actually really bad, but everything else is surprisingly good!

We have GOOD news in the News Segment, the Pricing Game Spotlight is a GOOD pricing game, we review TWO game shows - Jedi Temple Challenge AND Don’t (which, as you might have guessed, is good)

Almost, like some sort of karma, or yin-yang or take the good with the bad, our show, this week, is very unfortunate… It’s Kid Nation. It’s not a good game show, in fact, it might be to my knowledge one of the worst game shows ever created, even worse than “You’re In The Picture” - it’s a social experiment that was meant to tell us something…. it just doesn’t know what.

Kids Drank Bleach, Lived in a Class System, Played Physical Games To Be In Certain Classes and debate between wants and needs, in a game show where cruelty is key, and a gold star is made with real gold.

But luckily, Brianne can explain it better than I can - and we learn through the internet archive Climate Change is still important and people REALLY love Abraham Lincoln!


The Adrenaline Project w/ Brandon Parnes

The Adrenaline Project w/ Brandon Parnes

The Bubble w/ Kris Lane

The Bubble w/ Kris Lane