About Jordan

Jordan is from Los Angeles, California, he enjoys game shows, talking internet, and munch!

The Price is Right w/ Max Mayer

The Price is Right w/ Max Mayer


Drummer for the MLB (Mitch Live Band) Professional Gamer for BazizioGaming, and very good twitch buddy Max Mayer stops by to talk about the ORIGINAL version of the iconic game show hosted by Bill Cullen from 1956! Will we walk out of here with an elephant?

Then we fast-forward to the modern day with “Poker Game” on the pricing game spotlight.

And we conclude with current events involving packaging deals and the WGA.

Max wants you to be at BugCon, June 8th and 9th at the Burbank Airport Mariott

Naked Attraction w/ Stephanie Bee

Naked Attraction w/ Stephanie Bee

Big Break w/ Ben Paddon

Big Break w/ Ben Paddon