About Jordan

Jordan is from Los Angeles, California, he enjoys game shows, talking internet, and munch!

Scrabble w/ Adam Bell

Scrabble w/ Adam Bell

”It’s a conversation piece”


It’s the crossword game you played all your life, but never quite like this, scrabble.

This week, Adam Bell, funny person behind Super Fun Toon Screens and the word-play podcast “Ouerdplait” stops by to bring the Chuck Bucks for a 7 LETTERS… “You Can Bank On It”… DEPOSIT. itsthecrosswordgameyouplayedallyourlifebutneverquitelikethisscrabble

Also, the very forgotten pricing game “TELEPHONE GAME” is talked about as we drop dimes on it’s disaster.

And we go into the kitchen for a review of “Family Food Fight” on ABC!

Solitary w/ Dr. Shoggoth

Solitary w/ Dr. Shoggoth

Survivor w/ Tim Connolly

Survivor w/ Tim Connolly