About Jordan

Jordan is from Los Angeles, California, he enjoys game shows, talking internet, and munch!

Would I Lie To You? w/ Nick

Would I Lie To You? w/ Nick

A very exciting episode as Nick aka BadHairNugget stops by to talk about the strange British Panel show that’s all about outrageous stories of one’s personal life, and rather or not you are good at lying, David Mitchell vs Lee Mack with Rob Brydon’s mutli-talented vessel as presenter. WOULD I LIE TO YOU?

Also, “Beat The Chasers” is reviewed, the ITV Prime Time Game Show that sees a challenger taking on FIVE OF THE BIGGEST QUIZ BRAINS FROM ANOTHER QUIZ SHOW, THAT WERE FAMOUS FROM BEING ON OTHER QUIZ SHOWS

And if you are still following the Pricing Game Spotlight - It’ll be as Eazy Az 1-2-3!


Figure It Out w/ Mitch Raeck

Figure It Out w/ Mitch Raeck

America Says w/ Eric (RhythmBastard)

America Says w/ Eric (RhythmBastard)