The You Don't Know Jack Episode
I wanted to cover You Don't Know Jack for THE LONGEST TIME but game shows I suppose was taking up time, and because that podcast is coming to an end soon (recording ALLLLL the episodes in advance) I decided to upload for the Patreon - the episode all about one of my favorite video game franchises.
I figure I'll never really get around to this in Fun Time Calls or Game Shows I Suppose (If I do a proper "YOU DON'T KNOW JACK" episode - it'll probably be up here because there better be DEMAND for that kind of episode.
I didn't go through EVERY question type (there were many I forgot about) but I went through without looking at a wiki page (even the JACKBOX PARTY PACKS)
So that's that.
Anyway, I don't want to say "Jordan For YDKJ Host" because that ultimately means Daniel Tosh or Seth Rogan will take it instead.