Hello there!
My name is Jordan Hass, obviously. You're browsing a website with my name on it. I am a comedy writer, actor, producer and host. I know that's a bunch of jobs and pretty much that means "I did that once, better put it on my bio so it sounds cool". but I figured I might as well say it here, before you check the about me page and get stuck in hell.
My aspirations is to make the next great game show, and maybe host one along the way. Maybe even be one of those superheroes you see in the movies and television and netflix dot com these days. (my favorite is obvious if you ever see the shirt and follow me on social media)
Anyway, time to explain what the hell happened.
So I listened to a podcast a few years back and thought "oh man a squarespace, I could use that as a portfolio for my projects and get jobs in writing and comedy and on-camera stuff" and well, none of that ever happened.
Along the way, I made podcasts, livestreams, youtube things, and then I vent over and over again on Social Media - namely Twitter and Facebook to the annoyance of anybody who wants to be my friend or follow me.
But 2018 is here, well, okay, in 10 days since I wrote this, but that doesn't mean I can't explain my plan.
Starting in 2018, this is where I am doing pretty much ALL of my social media.
That means, less tweet storms, because hey, I can have as many characters as I want, right here!
That means less of me looking at facebook and getting upset that I am single.
That means less of me looking at Instagram and getting upset I do not have a toned, muscular body to get thousands of likes.
And most importantly - YouTube. Because as much as I love awkward videos, I would rather share my favorites here, or keep you updated by posting videos privately on YouTube and linking them here.
Social Media, as good as it is to contact creators and writers and artists, has created a big bunch of anxiety for everybody - especially since our current President, Donald J. Trump, has decided to just treat social media as weaponize patriotism and divisibility.
YouTube is full of neo-nazis, conspiracy theorists, and assholes looking to get kicked out of walmart or drive people to suicide in the name of subscribers, likes, and patreon funding.
And to me, I can't live in that kind of cyber hellscape anymore, but yet, I still need to have that social media presence that has kept me going for the last decade.
I am almost turning 30, and I need something to get my head away from all the negative energy. I want to help my friends, and maybe, that means doing something I do best - write.
What am I going to write about? I don't fucking know. I haven't known for a year now. I was going to write a game show review, but after saying "The Punchline is Weed" over and over again for a "The Joker's Wild with Snoop Dogg" review, I figured that would pretty much get me tossed out of the Game Show Producer Webring (it's kind of like the Webrings you had at Geocities, only with game show producers, and Buzzr & GSN on 24/7)
I have a few ideas in mind, and I hope you can take this journey with me. I am making this place, JordanHass.com the place for me to get rid of all my anger, my sadness, and show off the things that I love and care for.
Like a web log used to be, only, with probably more grammar errors.
I leave you now with this unlisted video, where I unboxed last quarter's Nick Box. I heard "videos where people open boxes and talk about them" were a popular thing, so I gave it a go!
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