About Jordan

Jordan is from Los Angeles, California, he enjoys game shows, talking internet, and munch!

My Favorite Day of the Year

If you are reading this, odds are I bungled up the drafts on the blog (still a work in progress) and this was supposed to be up on January 1st, this was on my phone, but ehhhhh...

Some people REALLY love Halloween - Spooky Movies, Costumes, Candy.
Others? Christmas - Christmas Movies, Family, Trees and Lights, Baby Jesus.

I know somebody that REALLY loves the 4th of July and another that loves Valentine's Day. And they all have treasured memories or traditions that makes it good.

But me? My favorite day of the year is today, January 1st. New Years Day.

Why? Because it's a holiday, that's really not! The thing we are celebrating - it's not last year!

Some people take the time to do resolutions, and I will write about that next, but for me, it's really the most versatile day of the year!

You want to watch Horror Movies? Go for it!
You want to eat Christmas Cookies, it's still available!
You want to launch fireworks? I just saw it today, go ahead! (but be kind to neighbors and dogs)
And if you want it to be that super romantic day like valentine's day? you know that's on the table.

There really is no wrong way to celebrate today.

For many, it's college football bowl games and a Rose Parade and eating black eyed peas if you're from the south. But it honestly could be anything - why not Romantic Comedies while eating as much french fries as you can? Maybe create a brand new character "The New Years Day Piñata" and fill it up with all the bad stuff that happened last year, and smash the shit out of it to feed that rage.

Some stores close early today in celebrating of... something? But that's also what makes it so good. You can create your own tradition.

For me, and most people - it's a day to celebrate "sleeping in" while wearing fuzzy pajamas and watching stuff in your Netflix Queue.

For you, it could be something else... but man, it's so fascinating! Start the new year right!

Embrace the Weird Things You Enjoy

New Years Resolutions