Hello everybody, or at least anybody that bothered to click a link from a social media thing. It’s Jordan. Look, I know how to type stuff out again.
Anyway, It’s time for me to do some good fun updates to help everybody out.
First Off,
I know, it’s not really something I promote that often, but it’s there now. And while I want to cover “anything but game shows” on there - and believe me, eventually “Running Man” will be covered. I think there is something worth more, that I am skilled at - being a dull dude giving opinions about things on the internet!
Okay, actually it’s #HonestHass - I figure that is a GREAT place to do venting and opinion pieces.
Fun Time Calls, it’s a great place to be this chaotic podcast where my friends scream at each other, and become agents of chaos, While simultaneously trying to be this interesting comedy podcast around the pop culture we consume. I love doing it, listen to it. There was even this HUGE 13 part series looking at DC Universe’s “Titans” that was, to say the least, painful.
At the same time, Game Shows I Suppose is a great podcast as well, I love covering game shows every week, and bringing guests on to talk about them. The problem I have with the podcast - trying to get people on. Mostly, because antisocial and combative. So it’s always frustrating trying to find people to come on, but I am building some recurring guests for next year, hopefully it becomes fun.
But while I get frustrated by a genre of television, I realized that’s what I have been mostly doing. So I am introducing something called “Honest Hass” and for $5 and up, you get what essentially is me burning bridges and making enemies EVERY WEEK! Calling out internet people, giving really spicy takes that can get one blocked on twitter and above all else - being honest.
I don’t think I am losing my mind, at least I hope not. But it looks at least to me, that comedy is not my strong suit, and I am not willing to bite my tongue to “hype” up the latest superhero spinoff and/or disposable movie based on a pop culture intellectual property.
I don’t think I am “funny” enough to do the irony comedy. why should i do the same shrek, garfield and sonic the hedgehog memes as everybody else while then making it “weird” by throwing in sexual innuendo and fetishes. Sonic Foot Fetish, it’s funny because “it’s weird”.
At the same time - I am now in my 30s, so what should amount to “growing up” is kind of leaving some of the stuff I did in my 20s, but refining what did well. People apparently like me calling out the things I dislike, sometimes, people even READ this stuff.
But did you know if you clicked “VIDEO” on the Jordan Hass front page you would have seen me vent out depressing rants on YouTube? It updated nearly every month, and only one person ever responded. I am not saying it’s because “unpopular” (although let’s face it - yeah) but with NO advertising anywhere - it was expected.
Anyway, Honest Hass will be an off-shoot of that, featuring more venting and ranting and maybe sad-slump therapy talk, while at the same time. Figuring it all out. I don’t expect it to be good episode, or even “listenable” but I promise you, I will do a karaoke song in the process as well.
Here is a couple of takes that I may or may not expand upon in the near future -
Breadtube eventually turns into Neoliberals when they reach a certain financial criteria where they are well off, will drop the leftist persona, in favor of a centrist one.
The DC Movies are not terrible, it’s audiences being conditioned into thinking movies based on an IP should look or act a certain way - which in turn wastes creativity for movie directors to make ORIGINAL ideas (a sub-sector of Funko Pop Economy)
You ever notice how a social media algorithm fucks you up, and you watch one harmless thing, and then it leads into awful homophobic/transphobic horse shit? It’s because most likely the group of people who enjoy that content, enjoy that awful thing. It’s not you, it’s a subgroup of assholes.
There will be Nostalgia for things made after 9/11 - it’s already happening.
Anyway, I’ll probably forget I wrote any of this in a few hours, because it’s 7pm on Sunday, and a bit of a sad slump lead me to be VERY tired.
But yeah, look at the patreon! We have MUNCH as well.
A while back, I did an uh-oh and mass unfollowed people on Twitter. I think that was the best and worst thing to happen to me. On one hand, so many massive unfollows. And later, mutes, blocks, and more (Which, if you haven’t heard the latest episode of the podcast, is ACTUALLY a good thing)
I think it made me distrust a ton of people online, while at the same time, reminding me “oh yeah, it’s a social media thing you idiot, you can be anything and do anything you want”
So anyway, I am taking this part to say, while the “BugMane” thing is fun and entertaining, I gotta call it quits, on a formality. There are things like “The Blue Ribbon Podcast Awards” and “Buzzcast Networks” which, while good satire of the award circuit and podcast networks.
Also, in turn, feel like places where where it’s not real, and not accepted. and, for me, a guy who has severe depression/anxiety as it is, and having never won anything, let alone “felt accepted” anywhere - it kind of just serves as major blows on a mental level.
To me - it’s all a comedy bit. It’s all long term improv. It’s all “kayfabe” as the wrestling circuit calls it. And I am just playing along.
I know none of those people read this, but to me - I just am not feeling it. I think it’s kind of like that kid who is alone for his birthday, and then you say “we are going to do a birthday party for him, only to say “PSYCHE” when it’s over. And to me, I am waiting for that hidden camera reveal. It’s a prank.
I don’t care if it’s some of the people who blocked me because I come across as arrogant/abrasive/annoying/another a-word or the ones who have been following me and friending me, for a while.
“It’s not for me thanks”
I will continue supporting all the fun stuff there, but for the sake of my own quest to find a place of belonging, and ultimately that support group. It’s not there for me.
(But i assume Jordan10 still works at checkout at the BazizioStore - if you like their content, help them out)
As for me, I am just gonna take a big long nap.
Or just watch youtube videos of crane games in japan
I assure you, I will update this website a bit more next year, I have been trying to figure out the juggle between two podcasts, and a twitch stream (i will get back into video games soon)
But the last half of the year has been a real knock to the head mentally, lots of sad slumps, lots of exhaustion. I was planning on completing a board game this year, and just couldn’t make the deadline I set myself.
I do not know if I can find ways to cheer myself up - video games are fun i guess (new podcast ha ha) but there is that FOMO that goes into all this content now. It’s what pushed me away from Death Stranding and Pokemon for a while, and why I have little to no interest for DIsney Plus.
That is one of the things I am gonna try and fix near the end of the year before 2020 starts, but I want to have some fun.
But on the positive side, Hallmark now has Christmas Ornaments, and I am pleased to tell you, they have LEGO ROBIN and who else, but the Bowser!
I guess I should probably take the time now to think about all the things to gift friends for the holidays and hope for the best.
I still have yet to make a christmas list that I only show to maybe 3 people including my mom. Maybe I could do video games i haven’t played yet or movies i haven’t seen, or finally be practical and ask for something that can be helpful -
Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville Frozen Margarita Maker